We love working with brands and we’re willing to partner with those who we genuinely like and who will be beneficial and add value for our readers. If we do decide to partner, below are some of the ways we can work together. We can also make adjustments based on your needs and goals. If you have any additional ideas, feel free to make suggestions. We’re open and willing to discuss.
If you want to work with us, contact us at [email protected] or [email protected] to request our media kit and discuss rates.
Sponsored Content: We can create 100% fully customized branded content or video depending on what your business needs. Our sponsored blog posts will include photos, descriptions and social media promotion.
Recipe Development: Our readers love budget-friendly recipes! We’d love to create a recipe for your brand, including photos of the finished product, all with a frugal twist!
Product Reviews: If you have a product that you’d like reviewed, we’d be happy to check it out and give a full review, complete with pictures.