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How to Make Money Stuffing Envelopes from Home
Legit envelope stuffing jobs from home are easy, fun and can help to fill the bank account! The key word though, is LEGIT!
Working from home and making money stuffing envelopes may sound enticing, and can be worthwhile. And they are!
Once you navigate through all the “get rich quick” and “too good to be true” schemes!
Don’t worry, we’d review how to spot the fakes and filter to the good stuff! As long as you can avoid the scammers, you’d be good to go!
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Let’s make one thing clear…legit envelope stuffing jobs from home are are real thing!
However, for every authentic stuffing envelopes from home gig, there are a hundred outright fakes posted.
Plus they’re scattered in with a few Multilevel Marketing (MLM), aka pyramid schemes, here and there! It’s hard to trust that it’s even possible to stuff envelopes from home, for payment.
With the online scam “industry” being a billion dollar a year business, persons are being swindled left, right and center.
Scammers are hitting individuals for thousands of dollars each day! I understand the skepticism!
We’ve all seen the ads:
Work from home mailing packages! Home mailers wanted! Work from home mailing brochures!
It’s like a game of work from home roulette. What’s real and which ones are a catch?
Before you start trying your luck, let’s review how to sift through the fake envelope stuffing jobs! And get you to a few safe, legit envelope stuffing jobs from home!
What are Envelope Stuffer Jobs?
An envelope stuffing job is when a person is paid, by a company, to pack envelopes with items such as flyers, advertisements, letters and other similar type merchandise. These materials are provided by the company.
Envelope stuffing jobs typically come with a “pay per envelope” type deal. Basically, you are paid a particular rate for each envelope stuffed.
Stuffing envelopes include: filling them up with the materials given, sealing, applying the required stamp and mailing off.
The more envelopes you package and send off, the more you are paid! At least, that’s how it’s supposed to work!
Advantages of Having a Job to Stuff Envelopes at Home
Envelope Stuffing Jobs are Easy
As we stated earlier, envelope stuffing is basically filling envelopes with printed documents.
These documents are provided by a particular company and you follow their special special instructions, along with the typical process for mailing documents in your location, to get them dispatched.
Additionally, the job is repetitive and you do not need to put a lot of thought into it. Do the same thing hundreds of times and get paid!
This is as easy and as straightforward of a job as can be!
Envelope Stuffer Jobs Don’t Require Any Training or Prior Experience
With a job as easy as this, you really do not need any prior professional experience or training. Anyone can prepare and mail a letter!
That being said, this idea is often used by scammers to deceive unsuspecting victims. After all, everyone would like a high paying, easy job, that doesn’t require any special skills. We’d get to that later on!
Stuffing Envelopes from Home is Convenient
Just like any work from home job, stuffing envelopes from home is convenient!
You get to wake up a little later, no need to get dressed with public approved attire, and you avoid the commute related hassle.
Flexible Hours when Stuffing Envelopes at Home
Wake up when you want. Start work when you feel like it. Take as many breaks as you want. Work however late as you wish.
Just get your tasks completed based on the quota that you’ve set for yourself or whatever agreement that you have with your employer.
How to Get Paid Stuffing Envelopes at Home?
Getting paid to stuff envelopes is as simple as finding legit envelope stuffing jobs from home, by looking in the right places! Due to the prevalence of fakes out there, it is very important that you go to legitimate sources and scrutinize the listings thoroughly before applying!
The best places to find listings for envelope stuffer jobs
1. Job / Career Websites – These sites specialize in job listings and career information.
2. Company Websites – Under the “employment” or “careers” sections.
3. Local Newspapers – As ads or under the classifieds section.
4. Magazine Ads
Once you locate a job that you are interested in, you need to then review them to confirm authenticity! We’d review this shortly.
How Much Do You Get Paid for Stuffing Envelopes at Home?
Depending on the compensation arrangements that you make with your employer, you can earn upwards of $0.25 per envelope stuffed, or $11 to $30 per hour, or $20K to $60K annually.
Note that there are major differences in the actual job description details that would score you the $0.25 per hour, versus the hourly and annual rates!
Additionally, unrealistically high rates should be an immediate red flag.
For a job strictly stuffing envelopes at home, anything over $0.25 to $0.35 per envelope should be marked as a scam in your mind. Just walk away!
Scammers are known to advertise upwards of $1 per envelope stuffed. This would work out to be $500 to $1000 per day, depending on how efficient you are.
Considering how easy it is to stuff envelopes from home, that’s just crazy, unrealistic money!
Important Job Details for Stuffing Envelopes at Home
As far as the hourly rates and annual salaries go, many companies consider envelope stuffer jobs to be handled under clerical responsibilities.
Receptionists, clerical assistants and support clerks may be hired under hourly rates or offered a full time salaried job, with their primary responsibility being filling envelopes and mailing out.
Therefore, if you are looking for envelope stuffer jobs with large job sites, they may be posted under job titles like: Administrative Assistant, Clerical Assistant, Mail Clerk, etc.
Many companies have also started diverting clerical roles to work from home positions. You may be able to land a great paying job, stuffing envelopes from home, once you handle other administrative responsibilities also.
That being said, if you are interested in strictly envelope stuffing jobs from home, without any other responsibilities, it would most likely be a temporary position. A full time clerical position would not be for you.
Keep in mind that the once full-time mail stuffer jobs are now almost completely obsolete. Machines have almost fully replaced those roles in companies that require large scale mail packaging.
Jobs are now few, far between and seasonal, resulting in the prevalence of scams.
The following shows what you can expect from a job where you stuff envelopes at home and mail out, with no other tasks:
What you can expect from envelope stuffer jobs
1. Whatever you need to perform your job, should be sent to you by your employer!
2. You would be paid on a “per envelope” basis. The more you stuff, the more you are paid.
3. You would be paid relatively low, $0.25 – $0.35 per envelope.
4. You can be hired or fired at any time.
5. Your job is basically on a “as needed” basis, so you should not attempt to make a career out of it.
6. There are scams everywhere, so be vigilant!
How to Spot Fake Stuffing Envelopes from Home Jobs
Scammers love persons looking to make a quick and easy dollar. Persons interested in stuffing envelopes at home, for money, basically fit that description perfectly.
Furthermore, in recent times companies have started outsourcing basic and lower tier jobs to third party personnel. The concept of working from home is also now very popular.
It’s very easy to disguise fake jobs, scams and schemes as work from home envelope stuffer jobs! It may just appear as a company looking to outsource some of its public relations and mailroom responsibilities.
The following are immediate red flags for envelope stuffing jobs. Be very cautious when it comes to opportunities that are presented like these!
Constantly Receiving Ads for Envelope Stuffing Jobs
Everything you search for, or participate in, on the internet, can be tracked!
If you search “envelope stuffing jobs from home” or “envelope stuffing jobs near me” and you go to a site where your information is tracked, you may continue to receive ads for envelope stuffing job opportunities.
Many of which may not be legit!
Furthermore, if you participated in an envelope stuffing gig once and you find yourself being spammed by many other “job opportunities”, these may just be a bunch of fakes.
Your information is now out there as someone confirmed to be interested in this type of job. You’re now a prime target for a scammer.
Processing Fees
Many scammers ask you to enter your credit card information or to wire them money for the processing of your application or for enrolling you in their system.
It may be just a few dollars or even up to $100. Do not do this! Persons have been scammed thousands of dollars like this!
Any employment opportunity that asks you to pay for the processing of your application is fake! Just leave this alone and move on!
Chances are you’d wire them the money and you’d never hear from them again.
Needing to Purchase a Start up Kit
You may be asked to purchase a start up kit to begin your new career as a professional envelope stuffer. Do not purchase the kit or even attempt to pay for it to begin with.
This can go one of three ways, none of which is good for you:
1. You pay for a kit and no kit ever shows up. Basically, you get swindled out of your money up front!
2. You receive a stuffing envelopes from home starter kit and then never hear from the company again.
3. You receive a start up kit and then you are required to continue selling kits or getting other persons to “sign up” in order to get paid.
#3 is a pyramid scheme, not a legit job opportunity! We’d discuss next.
You Need to Refer People for Payment
If you purchase a start up kit or some form of merchandise from your employer, that you need to keep selling over and over, in order to be paid…you’re part of a pyramid or multilevel marketing (MLM) scheme!
You should never have to recruit people or get them to buy anything in order to be paid!
The items sold or the sign up formalities in MLM schemes provide no real benefit to anyone. It’s just a plot to con persons out of their money. Do not participate!
Note that you may even be enticed by an ad for a stuffing envelopes free start up kit. But you need to be aware of the fine print!
You may have to get someone else on board, pay some other fee or get another person to pay a fee. There is always some catch so stay away!
High Payment Offer
You need to know what is just too good to be true! Anything over $0.50 per envelope should be approached with major skepticism!
Some jobs boast of paying over $1 to $3 per envelope stuffed, for a job that requires no technical skills or experience whatsoever! That calculates to be a potential daily pay in the thousands of dollars. F-A-K-E!
Bad / Negative Reviews
No one buys, accepts or participates in anything these days without checking the reviews first! A job offer or potential employer should be no different.
Let the views of the public be your guide! Low ratings, negative comments or just unfavorable remarks should be an indicator to stay away.
Hundreds or thousands of perfect reviews, without any negative inputs are also cause for concern. These can be easily faked by a fraudulent company.
Additionally, if the comments are turned off or ratings disabled, on the popular social media forums, use this as a red flag.
If they don’t exist on social media, stay away!
The Job Description is Unclear
A job offer and description needs to be concise and unambiguous. Your tasks should be laid out clearly without any fumbling or unprofessional blabber.
Any phrasing that appears to be redundant, long winded, tedious, questionable and just plain senseless should raise an alarm.
There is a Tight Time Limit in Which to Act
A big giveaway that a particular offer is a scam, is if you are put under pressure to act or to accept the offer immediately.
Scammers try to get you to act right away, based on emotions. This way, you wire them money or give them sensitive information before you have sufficient time to think and process the situation properly.
Sketchy Company Information
All companies need to have a legitimate physical address and phone number, even if their services are strictly done online. You need to be able to contact them if necessary.
Professional appearance and branding are also of utmost importance to legitimate companies.
The following are immediate red flags:
1. No physical address given.
2. Misspelling in email address or physical address.
3. Poor grammar, spelling errors on “official” company documents.
Common Scam: The Amazon Envelope Stuffer Job
Many scam artists and fraudsters pose as representatives for large companies, popular brands and household names.
The idea is that you would be so familiar with the company that you would not question the legitimacy of the offer.
Also, the thought of working with them would be so overwhelming that you let your guard down and fall victim to a scam. One of the most popular ones is the Amazon scam.
Everyone loves shopping on Amazon! The sight of an Amazon package immediately fills you with a fuzzy feeling and happy thoughts. So much so that the logo is a smiley face!
Amazon is too big and established for fake stuff to come from them right? They’re too nice for that sort of thing!
Yes and no! Amazon definitely would not send a fake job offer! However, the email did not come from Amazon!
As we stated above, sketchy company information and grammatical errors should be considered as a negative sign and a warning to stay away.
It is important that you look for these tell tale signs of a bogus operation and fraudulent company. It may be extremely subtle but is a giveaway nonetheless.
If you look closely at an Amazon envelope stuffer job email, you would notice that the email address or website in the email is not from the official Amazon site! Clear giveaway and sign to stay away!
There may also be irregularities with the logos, fonts and typographical errors present. Be cautious and do not waste your time or efforts behind this!
Are there Legit Envelope Stuffing Jobs from Home out there?
As we already covered, full time envelope stuffing jobs are now very uncommon. They are out there, just not as popular as they once were.
Companies that have a high demand for mail stuffing, or handle a large volume of mailing and packaging articles, are now highly mechanized.
The legit envelope stuffing jobs from home, that you would find, would more than likely be temporary positions. These may be with companies during certain seasons or for promotional ventures.
Just be on the lookout on the popular job sites, as well as the careers sections of big companies and large retailers. Especially the ones known to ramp up sales during certain holidays!
If you are willing to do a little more than just stuff envelopes, you may have a good shot at landing a clerical position instead!
How to Confirm if an Envelope Stuffing Job from Home is Legit
The best way to scrutinize envelope stuffing jobs from home, for legitimacy, is by asking a few basic questions.
Remember, scammers try to pressure you to acting quickly without thinking. This is a clear giveaway that the offer is a scam!
It is very important that you take the time to ask yourself these questions and process the answers before continuing with accepting or declining the job offer:
1. What is the name of the company that I will be working for, and what is their address?
The company employing you must be clearly named, and have a physical address. Their contact information must be stated in case you need to get into contact with them, for whatever reason.
Be sure to verify this information by running a quick internet search. Remember to look out for reviews to be guided.
Negative reviews, no reviews or an unusually high amount of good reviews are all bad signs!
Additionally, you do not want to work with a company that is based in a suspicious, remote location, that you may not be able to get to.
2. What field of business are my employers involved in?
Are my employers in the tech industry, pharmaceuticals, engineering, etc., or are they just a third party marketing company that specializes in promotions and public relations?
Is their business legitimate to begin with? You do not want to be promoting or distributing anything illegal!
4. What is the nature of my employer’s business?
Is my employer’s company set up physically or just online? How are their operations run?
You need to have a clear understanding of what they do, how they go about doing it, and have a general understanding of the clients that they serve.
Again… make sure they have a good record and their operations are legitimate.
5. What is the name of the company that will be in charge of issuing my payment?
It is important to understand if you are working directly with the company that you are promoting or a third party company that was outsourced.
This would affect who pays you and who you are allowed to contact.
6. How and when will I be paid?
Will you be paid by check, bank transfer, PayPal, crypto? Confirm this upfront!
Also, will you be paid immediately after completing the task or within a stipulated time? Most companies have a time frame that they state for settling invoices.
This is usually between 30 and 90 days, but can even be 180 days or more. Be sure to understand this so you can expect your money, or follow up accordingly!
7. What exactly am I supposed to do to receive payment?
Do you understand your deliverables? What will be sent to you and what do you need to do in order to be paid?
You should not have to pay for anything! Your employer needs to send your tools or stuffing envelopes free start up kit, as it is called in the business.
You use it based on what you are told and you get paid! Simple!
Just to be clear, make sure that you know what you are stuffing in the envelopes! No illegal stuff please!
8. In what timeframe do I need to deliver?
You should be given a due date to complete your tasks for payment. Ensure that you can deliver the job in time before accepting. Do not bite off more than you can chew.
In the event that you cannot deliver the complete list of expected deliverables, there may be repercussions such as complete forfeiting of payment. Understand this!
9. Are there any additional terms and conditions or charges?
Again…you are not to pay for anything to begin work! You are not to handover any confidential banking or credit card information either.
If you are asked to pay any processing fees or there are unreasonable additional terms and conditions stated, decline or ignore the job completely.
10. Is there a contract and legal formalities associated with the job?
With any employment opportunity, you need to sign a legal contract. This would give the details of both the employer, employee and terms and conditions of the job.
Accept the job only if favorable contract terms are stated!
I need to stress that a contract needs to be presented and signed. Do not operate based on word of mouth or text messages!
If you take the time to review the above questions and you are happy with the answers, feel free to proceed with the stuffing envelopes at home job!
If not, walk away or report the issue to the FTC!
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Envelope Stuffer Jobs
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is dedicated to protecting consumers. There is a section of their website with details on avoiding scams.
They also post up-to-date tips on the latest scams and fraud attempts. They are a great resource for getting additional advice on selecting legit envelope stuffing jobs from home.
Fake ones can also be reported to them!
Alternatives to Envelope Stuffing Jobs from Home
We can clearly see that ads for full time, high paying envelope stuffing jobs, are scams!
There are legit envelope stuffing jobs from home out there, they just may require a bit more work in order to be profitable. On the flip side, a job solely stuffing envelopes would be unstable with poor compensation.
That being said, maybe you can consider some alternatives to stuffing envelopes from home!
1. Administrative Assistant
You can complete clerical duties, including filing and mail handling for $13 to $25 per hour!
2. Personal Assistant
Complete administrative tasks or run errands for your employer for $8 to $28 per hour!
3. Virtual Assistant
If working from home or remotely excites you, consider being a Virtual Assistant to earn $13 to $41 per hour!
If you are looking for some additional career advice, check out the following posts:
• For jobs that can make you rich, while providing a happy and fulfilling life – 67 Jobs for a Happy and Rich Life
• For stress free, easy going and fun jobs – 75 Best Low Stress Jobs
(I make $1000+ from these sites monthly!)
Swagbucks gets you free gift cards, cash payout via PayPal (can cash out after earning as little as $3), plus you’ll immediately get a $10 sign up bonus!
Survey Junkie’s benefits include gift cards, cash payout via PayPal (a low minimum payout of just $3)!
With MyPoints, you’ll get gift cards, cash payout via PayPal (with just $5 needed to be able to cash out), plus a $10 sign up bonus!
Join InboxDollars for gift cards, cash via PayPal ($30 minimum payout) or personal checks, plus a $5 sign up bonus.
Sign up with Reward Survey and grab a $30 sign up bonus!
Frequently Asked Questions for Stuffing Envelopes at Home
FAQ: Can you work from home stuffing envelopes?
You can absolutely work from home stuffing envelopes! However, full time, legit envelope stuffing jobs from home are becoming harder to find.
If you see an ad like this, it is more than likely a scam!
On the other hand, you can find a work from home job that pays well where you stuff envelopes, in addition to performing other clerical tasks.
Or you can find temporary, low paying jobs, from time to time, where you just work from home stuffing envelopes.
FAQ: Do people still stuff envelopes at home?
People still stuff envelopes from home, but it has become less popular in recent times. That job market is now plagued by scams and pyramid schemes.
However, temporary jobs are available from time to time!
FAQ: What is envelope filling?
Envelope filling is placing documents or printed material into an envelope, sealing and mailing off, in exchange for payment.
This is done on behalf of a company, with materials provided by them.
FAQ: What does stuffing envelopes mean?
Stuffing envelopes is being paid to place printed documents, such as: flyers, letters or other similar type materials, into envelopes. You then seal them, apply the required stamps and dispatch them by mail.
You are typically paid on a “rate per envelope” type arrangement. This is usually around $0.25 to $0.35 per envelope filled.
FAQ: Is stuffing envelopes a real job?
Any job that is legal is a real job! Once you are paid legitimately and the money helps to keep your lights on, it’s a real job.
That being said, jobs stuffing envelopes, on a full time basis, are now basically obsolete. You may see temporary jobs from time to time.
Or you can have a full time clerical type job where your primary responsibility is mail room or mail sorting type responsibilities. These jobs are available in abundance, but you would be required to perform other tasks also.
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Final Thoughts on Stuffing Envelopes from Home
As you now understand: full time, high paying, legit envelope stuffing jobs from home are basically non-existent! If you see this posted, run away! It’s more than likely a scam!
Either you stuff envelopes, plus perform other tasks, for a decent job as a secretary or clerical assistant! Or just be on the lookout for seasonal, low paying, unstable jobs, solely stuffing envelopes at home.
The choice is yours!
Do you have any additional tips for envelope stuffing jobs from home? Have you done it before? What was your experience like?
Any additional tips for spotting or avoiding scammers? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!
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