Driving traffic to a new blog is H-A-R-D! I get it. Since I’ve started this blog a little over one month ago, my hours of sleep have decreased and my coffee intake has increased. Did I mention that establishing a new blog is HARD? You see, I have a goal – to make a full-time monthly income from this blog by July next year. I know it’s possible (this is not my first blog) and luckily, I’ve already earned over $200 in my first month of blogging. If you want to see what programs worked for me, check out my July 2018 Income Report. And read on for an ultimate list of 100+ Pinterest Group Boards to Join to boost your blog traffic through the roof!
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When you read blogs like OhClary (who has been rocking her brand new 2018 blog btw!), you realize that making $1000 per month within the first six months of blogging is something that you can absolutely achieve!
Table of Contents
What are Pinterest Group Boards?
As a new blogger, it can be quite difficult to reach an audience especially when you have all new social media accounts and only three loyal fan-girl relatives (ha!). Well for us new bloggers on the block, Pinterest Group Boards are a life changer!
Pinterest Group Boards are boards owned by other bloggers. These bloggers can send an invite to anyone wishing to join as a collaborator. If you are sent an invite, it means that you can now contribute to that group board by adding pins (which can now be seen by ALL the followers of the group board owner!). How awesome is that for a new blogger with a smaller following?! The more group boards you join, the more pins you can contribute and the more you (and your blog) get seen! It’s a great way to build up your own following AND of course, the bonus is that when used right, it can shoot your blog traffic straight through the roof! More traffic = More pageviews and more page views = more money. Got it?
To get the most out of Pinterest and group boards, you need to have a winning combination – killer blog content, viral-worthy pins, to be on top of your pinning game AND know all the secrets behind Pinterest’s algorithm and smart feed. It can seem like a lot but I love how Carly (from Mommy on Purpose) explained exactly how to master this combination in this guide and how to use these strategies to explode your blog traffic! Carly actually explains the exact steps that took her from 0-200k page views with a new blog which led to her making a full-time income by her 9th month of blogging!
Now that you are equipped with Pinterest strategies for success and can master the winning Pinterest combination, we can finally move on to the list of Pinterest Group Boards to join. They are organized by niches and include the Pinterest Group Board name with a hyperlink to the board. Please ensure that you click the link and read the Board Description for its rules to see if it’s a good fit for you.
100+ Pinterest Group Boards to Join that will Boost your Blog Traffic through the Roof
Motherhood, Family, Parenting & Kids Group Boards
1. Motherhood & Kids Group Board (Yup, that’s me!) Follow me on Pinterest and contact: [email protected] or simply leave a comment below this post asking to be added.
3. Special Needs Parenting Group Board
4. Family Fun: Kids and Parenting
5. **Lifestyle & Mom Blogger Group**
7. Hear Our Roar | Mommy Blogger Group Board
11. All about baby
12. Activities and Crafts for Kids
13. Momma Village
16. Tips for Parents of Toddlers! | Group Board
17. Tips for Pregnancy | Group Board
18. Tips for New Moms | Group Board
19. #MomLife – All things parenting
20. Motherhood + Parenting Group Board
21. All things Parenting and Kids
24. Parenting 411
26. Everything Mom
27. Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting
28. Family Life
29. Mama blogger’s group board
30. All Mom Topics Group Board
31. Mama Group Board
32. Becoming Mom
34. Mama Love
Group Boards for ALL Niches
36. Blog Goes Viral (Group Board)
37. Blogging Beginners Group Board
41. ***Bloggers ‘Post it’ Board***
43. ***Bloggers Share Group Board***
44. Flaunt Your Posts Group Board
49. Best Blogs on Pinterest **Group Board**
50. Bloggers Promote Group Board
Related: How I earned money within my First Two Week of Blogging
Lifestyle Blogs Group Boards
51. Living Life to the Fullest GROUP BOARD
52. The Ultimate Lifestyle Blog Posts
55. Your Life Styled (Group Board)
56. Millenial Life (Group Board)
58. Family Lifestyle Group Board
60. Best Health & Lifestyle Blogs
64. The Best of Lifestyle & Blogging
65. **Lifestyle Blogging Bosses**
Group Boards for Frugal Living & Money Saving Tips
71. * Saving Money *
75. Keeping Your Budgeting Fun
78. Finances and Frugal Living
79. Best Frugal Blog Posts | Group Board
82. Being Frugal
83. Tips for budgeting and Frugal Living
84. Frugal Living
85. Frugal Recipes + Food Budget Hacks
86. Frugal Tips and Minimalist Life
87. Frugal Living at its Finest
89. One Income/Frugal Living Tips GROUP BOARD
90. Coupons and Money Saving Tips
Group Boards for Posts on Blogging
91. Blog + Business Tips (Group Board)
92. Blogging + Making Money Blogging – Group Board
93. Blogging Tips & Tricks | Michelle Adams Blog
96. Blog Tips
99. Blogging
100. Blogging 101
101. Blogging Tips from Experts (Group Board)
Wow. So that was a long list! My advice would be to click the links (they open in a new window for your convenience), read the board descriptions, pick the ones that suit you best and reach out to these board owners. Some of the descriptions contain the board owner’s email, some contain google forms that you need to complete and some simply require messaging the board owner directly on Pinterest. Whatever the requirements, it’s always a good idea to follow the board owner first. Then you can reach out and say something along the lines of
“Hey Lucy,
I’d love to be added to your Pinterest Group Board – Motherhood & Kids. I’ve already followed you and all your boards!
My pinterest profile is: www.pinterest.com/frugalmomguide
My email is: [email protected] **(This MUST be the email associated with your Pinterest account)**Thank you!
The Frugal Mom Guide”
It’s as simple as that! One last thing. Just in case you’re not sure how to find the group board owner,
Now click the little profile icons at the top right corner to see a list of all the board collaborators. The board owner will be at the very top of the list.
That’s it! Now, get your awesome posts out there by taking advantage of Pinterest Group Boards!
Additional Resources to Boost your Blog Traffic:
Pinteresting Strategies – A step by step guide showing how to boost your traffic from 0 to hundreds of thousands using Pinterest.
Tailwind – A Pinterest Pinning tool to keep you on top of your pinning game. Sign up using this Tailwind link and we will both get $15 credit for a free month of Tailwind. 🙂
Don’t forget to share pin for later!
Until next time,
You may also like:
How we made $258.47 in our First Month of Blogging
How to Start a Blog (That Generates a Monthly Income)
How to use Grammarly to Improve your Blog Content
Rocking list Amanda! Pinning and Retweeting to give bloggers out there a valued resource for making friends and boosting traffic.
Hey Ryan,
Happy that this list of Pinterest Group Boards will be able to help others skyrocket their blog traffic as well!
Thanks for sharing!
Hi!!! I would LOVE to be added to your group board! Thank you thank you thank you! http://www.pinterest.com/thewholefoodsmama
Hey Gessell! Thanks for dropping in!
Sent you an invite. Welcome! 🙂
I would love to be added to your group board!
I have a newish blog called Resting Mom Face and my posts include general Mom topics, infant toddler topics, health topics, and other fun stuff.
Sent you an invite, Nicole! Welcome!
I would love to be apart of your group board! Thank you so much!
Invite Sent, Bianca! Welcome!
Hi Amanda! Awesome list & I love your blog! Thank you for posting! When you get a chance I would love to be added to your group board as well:)
Hey Emily!
I love your blog! However, I don’t see much Motherhood & Parenting content and the group board is niche specific to these types of posts. Do you have any Parenting Posts that you’ll be contributing to the board?
I would love to be added to your group board!